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Testosterone to Treat Menopause Symptoms in the UK

Nicola Kitchin

How Testosterone benefits certain menopause symptoms

Testosterone is crucial for women's sexual health, muscle strength, and red blood cell production. It boosts energy, drive, and motivation, so a deficiency during menopause might lead to challenges for some women.

While most women don’t need extra testosterone during menopause, for those who do, it can be the key to feeling better.

Our resident menopause specialist Ange Garside, offers her expert insights on Testosterone as a helpful hormone for certain menopause symptoms.

Ange states, “by the time women reach their 40s, their testosterone levels are about half of what they were in their 20s.” This will definitely affect their libido!

In the post-menopause phase, women continue to produce testosterone. Although the ovaries generate some, the quantity is significantly diminished. For many women, this reduced amount is enough to maintain proper sexual function.

How does stress impact women's sexual desire?

A woman's libido can decrease when her body is experiencing stress, and menopause can be extremely stressful for some women. When dealing with fatigue, hot flashes, irregular periods, or vaginal dryness, sex is often not a woman's top priority; she might rather enjoy a good book and a warm cup of hot chocolate!

In addition to being produced in the ovaries, precursors of testosterone are also created in our adrenal glands, which are the small glands located above the kidneys. However, these glands also produce cortisol, the hormone associated with stress.

When our bodies experience stress, they generate increased levels of cortisol. Producing a significant amount of cortisol leads to the reduced production of other hormones, including testosterone precursors.

How do low Testosterone levels affect Menopause?

Testosterone in females plays a crucial role in energy, motivation, and libido, along with muscle strength and endurance.  Certain studies indicate that reduced testosterone levels may also be linked to low mood and diminished concentration.

Women frequently experience a pressure to perform in the bedroom, even if their partner isn't applying any pressure. They still desire to engage because it's an essential aspect of their relationship, and they long for the intimacy.

Occasionally, a diminished sex drive can lead to issues in a relationship. Partners might suspect infidelity or fear that their female partners have lost their feelings of love due to the decreased sexual desire.

The psychosexual development of women is intricate!

If menopause causes sex to become painful, it is likely to decrease sexual desire. The vaginal microbiome may alter due to changes in pH levels caused by reduced oestrogen, and menstrual periods might also change, becoming heavier, lighter, or irregular, which does not encourage an active sex life. Additionally, other menopause symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, can further de-prioritise sex. Why would anyone want to repeat an experience that was painful?

If we're exhausted, preoccupied with work or our 'to do' list, or simply not spending quality time with our partners, it's likely that we'll be less inclined to engage in sex!

What actions should women take if they have low Testosterone?

According to Ange, it's not just about HRT!

Recognising the effect of nutrition on libido is crucial. Healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, and oily fish are essential for women, as they can aid in balancing hormone levels, including testosterone.

Women need to pay attention to every aspect of their wellbeing. Lifestyle adjustments are crucial for optimising hormone production; proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, consistent exercise, and relaxation are essential for overall health.

Is HRT beneficial for low Testosterone levels?

Ange states, "As a menopause specialist nurse, I consider HRT to be one of the most effective treatments I can prescribe."

For most women, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which includes estrogen and progesterone (if they have a uterus), enhances libido and sexual function. However, there is a small group of women who experience relief from menopausal symptoms, yet still face decreased libido, energy, and motivation.

Who is eligible for a Testosterone prescription?

Menopause specialists must thoroughly evaluate their patients to determine who is suitable for testosterone treatment. This evaluation will involve a blood test.

“At SO Aesthetics, if a woman is using HRT in tablet form, we typically suggest switching to transdermal HRT (patch or gel) as it might enhance libido.”

At SO Aesthetics, we follow the 'Primary Women’s Healthcare Forum' Guidelines. These guidelines recommend the use of testosterone only if a woman's 'free androgen index' (determined by a blood test) is in the lower quartile. It is crucial that the levels do not become too high.

Is Testosterone prescribed to women in the UK?

The issue in the UK is the absence of a licensed testosterone product for women seeking treatment through the NHS. Nonetheless, menopause specialists occasionally prescribe testosterone, utilising products approved for men but in significantly smaller doses.

At SO Aesthetics, we prioritise the safety of a product that is licensed for women, but at present, it can only be prescribed through a private prescription.

Testosterone is included in the NICE Guidelines for menopause management, as a potential option for women experiencing low sexual desire disorder when HRT by itself has not been effective.

Is Testosterone suitable for me?

Most women do not need testosterone. Many women who visit SO Aesthetics find HRT and lifestyle adjustments beneficial. Managing stress effectively for both you and your partner, along with spending more quality time together, can greatly enhance your relationship and wellbeing.

Nonetheless, if you find that your symptoms persist despite HRT and other lifestyle adjustments, it might be beneficial to book a consultation with a specialist to see if a prescription of Testosterone would be suitable for you.

To book a consultation with Ange, call us on 01905 969798.



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